Thursday, July 06, 2006

Going to have to learn Spanish

When Carsten wakes in the morning, he is usually mad, crazy STARVING. Unfortunately, I am usually trying to take a quick shower and dress myself about the time he wakes up. So, we distract him from his hunger with one of his crack-like addict forming shows that put him in a trance for a good twenty minutes or so while I finish making myself not so scary looking.

This morning when he started to come out of his trance and started whining for breakfast, I reassured him that we would go downstairs and E-A-T in just a couple of more minutes. I spell words, like "eat", that send him into a whining frenzy if he hears them. He immediately started whining to go eat. He knew exactly what I was saying. He can't talk, but he can spell. Go figure.