Friday, September 01, 2006

Trying Times

So, I am moving on from all the mushy stuff from yesterday's post... and from ripping off song lyrics...

Most of you who read this blog, the few of you that there are, already know that Danyel and I are trying for baby #2. This "trying" thing is new territory for us, as Carsten just kind of happened after like ONE time... not one whole month of trying... just one single time. We like to say we were just practicing trying.

We started along this journey last month with failed results. We thought, for sure, after all the... ummm... "trying" that we did, that there was NO WAY that we were not pregnant. But, the stick told us a different story. So, this month, I started tracking my ovulation and all the signs that go along with it. I even have a calendar that I am keeping. I would post it here for you to see, but 1.) it is incredibly not interesting, and 2.) you might be disgusted by some of the details written there. Trust me... you don't want to know that much about me and my body... ever. Also, we "tried" twice as much as we did last month. And all I can say is that if I never "tried" again in my life, I would probably be o.k. with that. I am done ovulating (TMI, I know), so we are on a "trying" hiatus and it is sweet relief! It is just so nice to crawl into bed for once at night and just... sleep.

So, we wait. The rest is up to mother nature. Bitch screwed me over last month. Hopefully this month she will show some mercy...

Anyway, now that my evenings are mine once again, I am able to get other productive things done... like this:

Chuckle all you want, but my pores are squeaky clean this morning... well, aside from the gazillion zits that I am currently sporting. But, in the words of my favorite friend and blogger, I digress.


Anonymous said...

Good luck Sis! I have a feeling the next one will be a "Cara Clone"! :)