Friday, November 30, 2007

Things I love most about Baby Aydin (and want to make sure that I remember)...

I love...

the way he chuckles that big belly laugh when you rub your head in his chest or sniff his crotch (don't ask).
...that big beautiful grin that softens your heart in an instant.
...his man boobs.
...his chunky little thighs.
...the way he instantly calms when you pat his bottom over and over.
...the way he watches his brother in awe with every move Carsten makes.
...the way he sleeps so peacefully ALL NIGHT LONG.
...the way he constantly is kicking his little feet without a care in the world.
...his love for jumping - in the jumperoo, the excersaucer, the walker, or on your lap.
...his long soft hair that is starting to curl at the ends.
...his sticky fingers (hence the nickname 'Senor Sticky Fingers') Everything within reach gets retrieved with a death grip. This is lovable most of the time, unless you are Danyel and the object being man handled is your chest hair. OUCH!

and last, but not least...

...his gentle, peaceful, and kind nature (hence his other nicknames - 'Buddha' and 'Gentle Giant')

I am so proud to be his mommy every day. I am amazed, once again, that I have helped create such a perfect human being.