Wednesday, November 08, 2006

All is right with the world

Today is such a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the temperature is mild, and the Republican party is crumbling.

So much good news, where do I start?

The democrats have taken over the House of Representatives by a landslide.

Democrat Pelosi has been voted in as the new speaker of the House and the first woman speaker in history.

The democrats are likely to also take control of the Senate.

And, last, but definitely not least, Donald Rumsfield has resigned from Secretary of State. This is possibly the sweetest news of the day.

When it rains it pours!

I am a realist. I know that being a democrat leaves me with not much of a voice in the conservative and fundamentalist state of Texas. However, my very persistent husband reminds me of my civil duty to vote and drags me to the polls each election. I am always pessimistic about voting. It gets old being the unheard voice. Yesterday was different. Yesterday I voted with the winners. Even in Texas, people were wanting a change.

If there was ever a President who needed the check and balance of an opposing party Congress it is Bushy boy. I think this is a wake up call to Bush. I think that this forces him to finally take note that the people are not happy with the state of this union. People are not satisfied with the progress in Iraq.

Oh, and I almost forgot... aside from political news... Britney has filed for divorce from KFed.

Yes, indeedy, all is right with the world.