Sunday, November 26, 2006

Breaking News!

OMG! OMG! OMG! Carsten went tee-tee in the potty 4 times tonight! Not only is this a HUGE accomplishment in itself, but two of the four times he went, he actually suggested the idea, "tee-tee potty". This marks the first time in his life that he has EVER gone in the potty. Usually when I put him on the big potty he screams bloody murder, but tonight he went in it three times. The last time he turned the tip of his penis up to praise it, "Yea Pee-pee!" Job well done! We have had a training potty for a long while now and he loves to pretend to go tee-tee in it when Danyel and I go, but when we put him on it bare bottomed, he won't sit there long enough to go. I don't think, up until now, that he has really grasped the ability to go on demand. This evening, he did go once in his little potty, but he really likes the sound of his stream hitting the water in the big potty. He even adds sound effects, "Pssssssssss". Plus, he digs flushing the toilet and saying goodbye to his tee-tee. "Bye-bye tee-tee!"

Bye-bye diapers! Well, maybe not just yet. But, with a little luck and persistence I am hoping we can knock this whole potty training thing out by the time our new little one arrives in May. Wish us luck!