Thursday, December 07, 2006

School Days

Carsten started "school" on Tuesday. That's what we call it, but it is essentially a Mother's Day Out program. He goes twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 3. I really think that at his age, he should be learning how to socialize with his peers and function in a group environment where he is not the center of attention. Carsten has always been independent, so I knew that he would do fine. I knew he would love being around the other kids. They pack their days full with outside play, painting, coloring, story time, etc. I had originally only planned to send him one day a week, but the place I choose was far superior to most programs I looked at and they only offered a minimum of 2 days a week. It will work out for the best once the baby arrives in May, anyhow. Plus, it gives me a chance to get all my "to-do's" done while he is there, so when he is at home, I can focus more of my attention on him.

As I was driving to drop him off on Tuesday, I just lost it. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. It's hard to relinquish control of your child when you haven't done it in his lifetime. Carsten was so excited to be there and barely noticed when I dropped him off. In fact, when I picked him up, he threw a fit to leave. His teacher said he was great the first day, never crying or causing a problem. However, he wouldn't take a nap during the designated nap time on the mats, but she swears he will adjust in time. She said that they all do. He was pretty excited when I dropped him off today and seems to have already taken a liking to Miss Kate. This was very reassuring to me. Carsten only likes people that like him. If you don't shower him with attention and affection, he doesn't take notice of you. If you pay attention to him, he pays attention to you.

Anyway, so far so good. I will take my camera with me soon and take some pics of him at school and post them.