Thursday, July 31, 2008

Drowning in...

...everything disgusting. This week the boys have had some kind of stomach bug. Carsten projectile vomited chocolate milk all over the van (that we just had cleaned) on Monday. It was all over the back of the seat, the floors, his booster, in between the seats, in my diaper bag, underneath the seat... you get my drift. It smelled so bad, especially since I had to wait until later in the afternoon to clean it up (when the kids napped), so it had baked in, so to speak. There is still a smell lingering that I can't get rid of. Tuesday, we went to a play date where Carsten's friend Nicholas projectile vomited all over the floor at McDonald's. I thought to myself, Thank God that's not my kid... today. Then, we get home and Aydin starts vomiting... over and over and over. I think he puked 8 - 10 times before the day was over. He couldn't even keep down water. I can't count how many times I changed his clothes. I cleaned puke off the rocking chair... puke off the carpet... puke out of the high chair... puke off the Pergo... puke out of his bed... and so on. At the same time, Carsten started with persistent diarrhea. I can't count how many times I have wiped his bottom in the last 3 days. His diarrhea is still going strong and I am getting so sick (literally) at looking at it, smelling it, and wiping it. Aydin has had a couple of loose stools, but nothing persistent. Then, we get home this afternoon from a playdate and Aydin gags on a piece of banana and throws up all over the coffee table, the pergo, the leather couch, and a little on my legs and pants. (I didn't even bother changing my pants. I mean, what's the point?) After that mess was cleaned, then I proceeded upstairs to clean the projectile vomit that the cat did in the playroom sometime in the middle of the night... all over the futon, carpet, bookshelf, & books. It was already dried and crusty. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am off to wash my left foot. I just remembered that Carsten peed on it this morning when he missed the toliet. Geez. It's a good thing I love these kids more than my life. Otherwise, I would be miserable. The fact that they are both such bright stars in my life keeps me trudging through all the body excretions. Well, that and the Prozac. :-)

UPDATE: Even more fun ensued early Friday morning when I woke up puking my guts out. I was out for the count all day... couldn't even get out of bed most of the day. Luckily, Danyel stayed home and took care of the kids (and me). I'm a big girl, though. I get all my vomit in the toliet, so I didn't have to clean any of it up.