Monday, July 28, 2008

This was a new one

So, Aydin ate cat shit today. Yes, a piece of cat poo. This is even something his mischievious brother never managed to do (probably not because of a lack of trying). I was upstairs getting the laundry when I heard him gag downstairs. I ran down the stairs to see what he might be choking on. It looked like dirt around his lips and mouth, but I couldn't figure out where he would get dirt from. Then it hit me... not dirt. Poo. Then I smelt it on his breath. I grabbed a towel and starting wiping his face and the inside of his mouth. I don't know how much he actually swallowed. I took him upstairs and pinned him to the floor and brushed his teeth like they have never been brushed before (and washed his hands, of course). Then, I called the doctor. "Hey Doc, I was ignoring my child and he ate some cat poo. What do I do?" I felt like such an idiot. Of course I referred to the poo as "feces". I didn't want to sound immature or anything. The nurse called back a few minutes later and told me that I did the right thing by cleaning his mouth out and to just watch him to make sure he didn't get sick (loose stools, vomiting, etc). So, I'll add this to the list of strange things Aydin has eaten (cat food, dirt, crayon, etc), but it's definitely at the top!

Then, an hour later Carsten puked all over the van on the way to the grocery store.

Yes, it was one of those days.


Therese said...

How funny!!!

Avin ate a roach once. One of those big Woodland ones. I only saw legs hanging out of his mouth. These are the things that make motherhood so much fun. What are we going to do with these boys.

sscott said...

This one had me laughing out loud!! I told Devin we needed a dog - cause they eat cat shit and I will have to clean the cat boxes less often, now maybe I am thinking I could just watch Aydin a few times a week!! Just kidding!! Love you guys!!
