Sunday, August 10, 2008

He's going to be disgusted by this converstation when he's 15

Carsten was laying on top of me on the couch today while watching cartoons. He started squeezing one of my breasts. He was doing this yesterday while we were at Costco and I just kind of made light of it and kept pushing his hand away. I decided it was probably time to tell him it wasn't appropriate and why. This was my first attempt at a discussion about "private parts" with Carsten. I don't think it went so well.

Me: "Bubby, don't touch my boob." (yes, this is what we call breasts at our house. Don't judge.) "Touch your own boob." (again trying to make light of the situation while pushing his hand away)

Carsten: "But, mine aren't big enough." (Is it weird that I took this as a compliment?)

M: "Bubby, you can't touch Mommy's boob." (more seriously this time as he reached for it again)

C: "Why? "

M: "Because it is one of Mommy's private parts. You are not supposed to touch other people's private parts and no one is supposed to touch yours. Do you know what a private part is?"

C: "What?"

M: "Your pee pee is your private part. You should never let anyone touch it."

C: "But sometimes I touch it."

M: "Uh.... Well, yeah.... Um, that's o.k." (while trying to hold back laughter) "Just don't let anyone else touch it, o.k.?"

C: "O.K."

Oh brother. Don't know if I got my point across, or in the right way, for that matter. We'll see. Danyel is so in charge of the birds and the bees talk. I apparently don't have a knack for such topics.