Monday, January 22, 2007

The apple of my eye...

Or grapefruit, I should say. To look at this picture makes me salivate all over myself.

Sweet, sweet grapefruit, you are my one and only. I could eat you all day long. You are so juicy and sweet with a hint of tartness that keeps me coming back for more. You are just perfect halved with a sprinkle of sugar on top. Sometimes when I am eating you, you squirt your heavenly juices all over me, but I don't mind. You are the worlds perfect food and you bring me more joy than you will ever know.

Sure, I have always liked an occasional grapefruit, but my relationship with this citrus fruit has grown deep in recent weeks. I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH. Grapefruit along with any kind of fruit juice and salsa are my holy trinity these days. But, the grapefruit is by far the Divine. I guess this baby is cravin' some vitamin C!