Thursday, February 08, 2007

Lazy Days

Our trip to Puerto Vallarta last week was fantastic. It was full of relaxation & warm, sunny weather... just what we needed. Usually, we prefer more active vacations, but we thought this was the right trip at the right time. We couldn't have been more right. Danyel, especially, has trouble relaxing and sitting still for too long, but I was really surprised at how quickly he adapted to the pace... much faster than even myself. It took me a few days to shake off the Mommy mode that I walk around in constantly, but once I did, it was smooth sailing from there.

This marks the second time we have left Carsten for a week long period. (Well, third for Danyel, but we won't get into that.) The first was almost a year ago when we went to Italy. I didn't handle the separation all that well, to say the least. So, I was a little apprehensive this time around, but I did much better. I still missed him terribly and shed tears every time I thought about him too much, but I didn't let it effect our vacation.

The resort was unbelievable... a very beautiful and serene place. It was all inclusive, which was great, except for the fact that we got tired of eating the same stuff all week. We spent a lot of time lounging by the infinity pool overlooking the ocean. We went swimming with the dolphins one afternoon. It has always been on my list of things to do before I die. The best part was when we got to ride on the dolphin around the pool.... it was amazing! We also went on a boat trip one afternoon to a place called Las Caletas, which is a secluded beach about an hour away from Puerto Vallarta on a boat. We were looking forward to the snorkeling there, but it was a disappointment. The water was not clear enough and we were right at shore, so there was not much to see. But, the beach was beautiful and it was a great place to relax. Other than that, we read three books between us and spent a morning at the spa getting massages. It was Danyel's first massage and he thought he had died and gone to heaven. As he put it, "I felt like I was levitating."