Monday, April 17, 2006

My little Genius

I am amazed at how smart Carsten has become just over the last couple of weeks. He is starting to really make connections. He has started to point with purpose. He can point out certain objects when asked. His favorite is a butterfly. He also can point to a duck, horse, bug, and a bird... to name a few. When I ask him where is Mama's belly, he lifts up my shirt and pokes my belly button. Sometimes, he will point to his own belly when asked, but most of the time he likes to point out mine. He has a fascination with lights. Everywhere we go, he likes to point out all the lights. He really loves the idea that he can point to something and you will look and name the object for him or fulfill his wants/needs. This morning, when he was playing with his big bunny he got for Easter, he was able to show me his eyes and nose when I asked. Of course, all this is done on his terms. If he is not in the mood to show off his skills, he won't.

He has also made some strides in talking. He has been sick with a cold the last few days. A few nights ago after I had rocked him back to sleep in the middle of the night I placed him back in his crib. As I did so, he cried out, "Mama" in his sleep to just make sure that I was still there. This was monumental (not to mention, extremely heart warming). He randomly has said Mama for a while (mostly when he is whining), but this is the first time he has really addressed me as Mama. Of course, he's been calling Danyel "Dada" for a long time now - go figure! He is constantly picking up new words. Aside from "no" and addressing us, he doesn't really know in what context to use his vocabulary. Some words he will say 20 times in a row and we never hear them again... some he uses daily. Lately he says sit, what's this?, wow, and no quite frequently. He also loves to say "eh-eh"... the slang expression for no.

I really love this stage in his development. Being that I am alone with him for most of the day, it is so nice to that he is really starting to be part of our conversations... whether with words or non verbal gestures.