Saturday, December 31, 2005


Inge gave me a pedicure and a manicure yesterday. I had the pleasure of spending two hours with this extremely interesting and very lively 63 year old German immigrant. Within 20 minutes of our meeting, she began telling me her life story, personal turmoils & triumphs, and hopes for the future. By nature, I am pretty private. So, it always amazes me when you meet someone that will share everything with you within just a few minutes of knowing you. I am always fascinated by other peoples lives... especially those that have a good story to tell. My life is pretty boring, which is a good thing. The more boring your life is, the better your life is. If you don't have a story to tell, then you should be thankful.

Inge was born in Neuremburg Germany. She lived with her mother and sister. Her mother told her that her father divorced her and didn't want to have anything to do with her. She used to watch her father in town from afar. She never got too close because her mother had warned her that he would kidnap her if she did. Her mother was a very selfish and unkind person. She had a very cold and lonely childhood. She married an American intelligence spy when she was 16 and moved to America when she was 18. She has lived in more states than I have visited. She has been married to 3 men... and divorced 3 times. She never had any children. Her husbands were awful people and she believes most men are evil. I couldn't even convince her that my own husband was a "nice guy". She said that I was too young to know any better. Her mother killed herself 2 years ago and since then she has found out that her mother kept many secrets from her. Her father did not leave her... she left him and he was denied the right to see her. He tried for years to have a relationship with his daughters... and Inge never knew it. Her mother told her that her father had no siblings or family members that she could get in touch with. She has since found out that her father had 7 siblings and that she has 80 living relatives on her fathers side, most still living in Germany. She has met 18 of them. She is glad her mother is dead. She was raised Catholic, but now is Baptist. She thinks Joel Olsteen is the holiest man in this country. She loves George Bush. She is a patriot. She believes in the war in Iraq. She is afraid of going places alone. She thinks Clinton is the trashiest of the trashiest. She would move back to Germany if Mrs. Clinton ever became president. When she was a hair stylist, she did Ivana Trump's hair. She said she was an awful woman. She did Margaret Thatcher's hair twice. She said that she was a true lady and a wonderful human being. She looks forward to retiring in 2007. She doesn't have much and has a had a life full of peril, but has an unbelievable faith in God and is grateful for her many blessings. She was recently reunited with an old boyfriend from 40 years ago who lives in Virginia. She plans to visit him soon, but will not sleep with him unless she knows his intentions are pure. She is too old to come down with some kind of STD. I didn't know that older people worried about STD's?... I don't think that I will ever forget Inge.

Housewife gets a day off! (Well, half a day...)

Yesterday, my mom and I went to a day spa and spent the morning getting pampered! We each had an hour long massage, pedicure, manicure, and a spa lunch. Just that hour long massage was so therapeutic. There is nothing more relaxing than laying on a warm bed-like table in a dim room listening to the sounds of a waterfall and relaxing music while someone works out all your kinks and knots for an entire hour. When you are done, you feel as if you have been drugged. The rest of the day, I was useless. It's like some kind of calming hormone was released into my body. I vow to try and do this every three months or so. I have had a few professional massages before, but this was the first since Carsten. Pre-Carsten, this was just a luxury. I mean, let's face it, life before kids was a walk in the park. Besides the time you are working, you can relax anytime that you want. Post-Carsten, this is a necessity. Finding time to relax is very difficult, if not impossible. So, a spa day, or even just a massage every once in a while, is a must! My next spa experience will way top this one, however. In April, Danyel and I are going to the Amalfi Coast in Italy... alone. We are staying at a five star hotel on top of a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean (this is an Edward Jones trip, of course). We have decided to pamper ourselves and have a couples massage at the spa in the hotel. They do massages in this open balcony atop the cliff. Can you imagine a more relaxing experience... getting a rub down in the warm Italian sun while listening to the breeze and the waves of the aqua blue ocean below crashing into the shore??!! I think not. This true paradise is awaiting me.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Poor little sick Bubby...

"Take me with you, Papa!"

Carsten opening his presents on Christmas Eve...

Christmas 2005

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! It's amazing how much more magical Christmas becomes again once you have little kiddies around! I was worried with all the hustle and bustle that Carsten would turn into a little scrooge, but he had such a great time. He was a little angel in Church on Christmas Eve. Then, we went to dinner and he was in such a great mood. Also, I learned at dinner that my son is crazy about fish. Who would of thunk it? Anyways, afterwards, we went to my mom's to open gifts. By this point, it was already 8:40 p.m. - well past his bedtime. Once we got there, I put on his pajamas figuring it wouldn't be long before he fell out. Boy, was I wrong. He had a great time tearing into all his gifts and playing with a few while the grown ups opened our gifts. At about 10:15 pm, I gave him a bottle and he conked out. He snored all the way home and didn't miss a beat when I moved him from the car to his bed. He was so tired! Christmas Day he opened all his gifts from us, took a nap, and then we went to my aunt's house for lunch / dinner. Halfway through our visit he got a little cranky, but come to find out he was running a fever. He ran 101 degree fever the rest of the evening and all day yesterday. Very strange... he had no symptoms of any type of illness - just a fever. Maybe it was from teething or maybe his body was just plum wore out from all the activity! Luckily, it was gone this morning. I hate to see him not feeling well, but I got to tell you... I do enjoy cuddling and loving on him when he is sick. It is the only time I can get him to sit still in my lap.

I hope you all had a VERY Merry Christmas! The holidays are always so hectic, but they are also always a lot of fun. I love the Christmas season and am always a little sad to see it go. I will miss listening to 'Sunny' in the car and their continuous around the clock Christmas carols, searching for the perfect gift for everyone on my list, all the Christmas parties, spending time with family that I don't see very often, getting Christmas cards in the mail every day, and all the eating!!! Oh well, there's always next year! In the meantime, I hope you all have a Happy and wonderful New Year!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The gift that keeps on giving...

Dearest Carsten,
You were born into this world a healthy baby. We were very blessed to be so fortunate. There are many others who are not. In the coming years, we look forward to watching you grow into a happy, loving, and generous person. In that spirit, we have donated $101 to St. Judes Children's Hospital in your honor. We hope that it gives another family a chance to watch their child grow up in the coming years as well. Merry First Christmas!
All our Love, Mom & Dad

Danyel and I are determined to not spoil Carsten with tons of toys. He has plenty and we know that after Christmas he will be on toy overload from his grandparents, uncles, and friends. For that reason, we didn't buy him too much, but I wanted to do something really special for his first Christmas. I thought that this was a really powerful gesture and this card/note will make a wonderful addition to his baby book. Our biggest hope is that he will be a kind, thoughtful, & giving person, so we thought that we should lead by example. Who knows... maybe this will become a Christmas tradition. What a wonderful way to teach him to be generous and mindful of those less fortunate!

Merry Christmas to you all! May we all remember during this season and throughout the year those who are struggling and have much less than we do.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Carsten's First Sleepover

Last night, Danyel and I went out for date night. We left Carsten with my mom and thought it would be best to just let him spend the night there. Last time we went out, we went and picked him up and we just felt awful about waking him up. Then it took us almost 2 hours to get him back to sleep once we got home. Everything went peachy! He had such a good time with Grandma that I don't think he even noticed we were gone. He slept fine over there - just like as if he was home. I was kind of worried that he would get scared in the middle of the night and keep my mom up, but I was wrong. When we picked him up this morning he looked at us as if he had just realized that we weren't there the whole time... a little confused. Having an independent child is bitter sweet. It's nice that Carsten is not too clingy and too attached to me, but it would be nice to know that he misses me when I'm gone!

Danyel and I had a great night. We went out to eat at this little neighborhood Italian restaurant and had a bottle of wine, great food, capuccino, and dessert! It was just wonderful. Then, we went to the movies and saw "Walk the Line". It was a really great movie and I am not even a Cash fan. I highly recommend it. I did miss Carsten terribly though last night once we got home. I woke up every two hours... it was just weird not having him here. What did we ever do without him? It's funny, I don't remember being lost and miserable without him before he came along, but in hindsight, I just don't know how we survived without our Bubby to light our world.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Carsten's Visit to Santa

My mom and I took Carsten to see Santa on Friday. I don't think Carsten even looked at his face once. However, he was fascinated with the bells on his boots. It's a good thing he isn't old enough to really enjoy Santa because as you can see, Santa was not very happy. He looked very miserable and depressed. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in this poor man's head. No "Ho-Ho-Ho" or really even talking to any of the children. He just sat there staring at the camera like he was mentally removing himself from the situation. All while a new kid was being plopped on his lap every 60 seconds or so. Oh well. Maybe he was just missing Mrs. Claus.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Correction from previous blog...

Pookie has requested that I correct what I said about him being an "ungrateful b@#$%$d" from my blog. Pookie is not an ungrateful you-know-what. He is my loving husband who was just craving some chinese food. That's all. Please note that I was persuaded and coerced into making this post.

Housewife in need of a personal day!

Today is a "blah" day. The weather outside is frightful... no sunshine in sight. I hate the winter, but at least it feels like Christmas weather. Carsten is teething again and has some sort of upper respritory thing going on. He's been a bear. I've got lots to do, but no energy to do it. Plus, I have a 10 1/2 month old clinging to my leg whining in pain. I just remembered that I still have yet to brush my teeth... gross. Danyel just called and complained about eating leftovers for dinner and decided that he will stop and pick up some chinese food for himself on the way home. Ungrateful b#$%@&d. I have cleaned up Carsten's throw up 3 times today. Calgon take me away! Today I am not a happy housewife. Today I yearn for my lonely old office where nobody bothered me while I played solitaire to pass the time. I don't mean to complain - I know that I have got it good and am thankful every day for my family and my role in this family, but somedays you just don't want to go to work. Somedays you just need to take a "sick day".

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

My Christmas Angel