Saturday, December 17, 2005

Carsten's First Sleepover

Last night, Danyel and I went out for date night. We left Carsten with my mom and thought it would be best to just let him spend the night there. Last time we went out, we went and picked him up and we just felt awful about waking him up. Then it took us almost 2 hours to get him back to sleep once we got home. Everything went peachy! He had such a good time with Grandma that I don't think he even noticed we were gone. He slept fine over there - just like as if he was home. I was kind of worried that he would get scared in the middle of the night and keep my mom up, but I was wrong. When we picked him up this morning he looked at us as if he had just realized that we weren't there the whole time... a little confused. Having an independent child is bitter sweet. It's nice that Carsten is not too clingy and too attached to me, but it would be nice to know that he misses me when I'm gone!

Danyel and I had a great night. We went out to eat at this little neighborhood Italian restaurant and had a bottle of wine, great food, capuccino, and dessert! It was just wonderful. Then, we went to the movies and saw "Walk the Line". It was a really great movie and I am not even a Cash fan. I highly recommend it. I did miss Carsten terribly though last night once we got home. I woke up every two hours... it was just weird not having him here. What did we ever do without him? It's funny, I don't remember being lost and miserable without him before he came along, but in hindsight, I just don't know how we survived without our Bubby to light our world.