Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas 2005

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! It's amazing how much more magical Christmas becomes again once you have little kiddies around! I was worried with all the hustle and bustle that Carsten would turn into a little scrooge, but he had such a great time. He was a little angel in Church on Christmas Eve. Then, we went to dinner and he was in such a great mood. Also, I learned at dinner that my son is crazy about fish. Who would of thunk it? Anyways, afterwards, we went to my mom's to open gifts. By this point, it was already 8:40 p.m. - well past his bedtime. Once we got there, I put on his pajamas figuring it wouldn't be long before he fell out. Boy, was I wrong. He had a great time tearing into all his gifts and playing with a few while the grown ups opened our gifts. At about 10:15 pm, I gave him a bottle and he conked out. He snored all the way home and didn't miss a beat when I moved him from the car to his bed. He was so tired! Christmas Day he opened all his gifts from us, took a nap, and then we went to my aunt's house for lunch / dinner. Halfway through our visit he got a little cranky, but come to find out he was running a fever. He ran 101 degree fever the rest of the evening and all day yesterday. Very strange... he had no symptoms of any type of illness - just a fever. Maybe it was from teething or maybe his body was just plum wore out from all the activity! Luckily, it was gone this morning. I hate to see him not feeling well, but I got to tell you... I do enjoy cuddling and loving on him when he is sick. It is the only time I can get him to sit still in my lap.

I hope you all had a VERY Merry Christmas! The holidays are always so hectic, but they are also always a lot of fun. I love the Christmas season and am always a little sad to see it go. I will miss listening to 'Sunny' in the car and their continuous around the clock Christmas carols, searching for the perfect gift for everyone on my list, all the Christmas parties, spending time with family that I don't see very often, getting Christmas cards in the mail every day, and all the eating!!! Oh well, there's always next year! In the meantime, I hope you all have a Happy and wonderful New Year!