Sunday, April 27, 2008


It's 9:50 on Sunday morning and Aydin is still sleeping... I guess he will be skipping his first nap!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thanks Pookie...

Today being a mom was the last thing I felt like doing. I just kept thinking... What would I give to get away from all of this? Pathetic pitty party, I know.

At lunch today, Aydin burped and up with his burp came his lunch. Projectile throw up everywhere... again... the second time in less than 24 hours. As I have mentioned he has an awful gag reflex. As I surveyed the damage, my spirits fell. I just sat there staring at all the goo. I am so tired of cleaning up Aydin's throw up. The task of cleaning it up just seemed so overwhelming. It was the last thing I felt like doing. As I sat there, with this crushed look on my face, Pookie came over and just at the right minute, said the right thing. Without me even saying a word, he knew what I was thinking. He said, "Honey, you are doing a very important job. Don't forget that." I instantly felt better. I know that, but I sometimes loose sight of it in all the poop, vomit, and slobber. It's really nice to know that he thinks so as well.

I tried to remember this throughout all the yuckiness of my day...

Cleaning Carsten's pee off himself and the carpet...
Wiping Carsten's bottom after going to the bathroom...
Scraping up play-doh from the floor and table...
Changing Aydin's dirty diaper...
Picking up the toys for the third time today...
Sweeping the dirt off the living room floor after Aydin grabbed a few handfuls out of the plant...
Loading dirty dishes in the dishwasher for the second time today...
Wiping down Aydin's dirty black hands, feet, and knees from crawling around outside...

And it's only 4:30...

The boys at Candlelight Park this week...

(Just click on the picture below to make it larger)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

He's all grown up...

Yesterday Aydin took his first step (without holding on to the furniture). It was the cutest thing ever! I was on the computer downstairs in the living room, when I noticed out of the corner of my eye, him standing on his own (he has been doing this for a few weeks). He had the biggest grin on his face like he was so excited about what he was about to do. He looked down at his feet and looked back up at me. You could see the wheels turning in his head... he was thinking, "Huh, let me try this walking thing without holding on instead of crawling. What a great idea!" Then, he took his first step... and fell. He did it a couple of more times throughout the day... each time very proud of himself until his bottom hit the ground!

He's almost one... my last baby... almost a toddler.

Miller Outdoor Theater

This morning I took Carsten and Aydin to Miller Outdoor Theater for a children's performance. It was called "Danceology 101" put on by the Houston Metropolitan Dance Company. I didn't have high hopes for the outing since both of my boys are VERY active and don't like structured activities where they can't roam and play! We had a really nice time, though. First we fed the pigeons at the reflection pool and then we all headed over to the theater. Carsten shocked me and actually stayed in his seat for the majority of the performance. I think he really liked it. Aydin had a bottle, snacked on Cheerios, and played well with another baby his age. After the performance, we headed over to the park and had a picnic lunch. The kids all played for a while before we packed up to head home.... not before Carsten could roll down the hill, though! Aydin was so pooped. He completely missed his morning nap and didn't go down until we got home at 2!

Carsten rolling down the hill

at the reflection pond

Hanging with his buds (I am shocked one of them didn't fall in...)

Carsten and Liam

How cute is that?!

Carsten and Liam actually watching the performance!

P.S. I promise Aydin was there... I didn't think posting the pictures of him sitting in his stroller were all that fascinating. BUT, he sure was cute (as always)!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

O.K.... last one...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

More Fun with Scrapblog...

The boys love daddy's new Zapino...

I am in love with!

(Thanks Jaime!)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Sigh of Relief

Yesterday, I read this post.

It made my day.

I could not have said this better myself. This exact thing has been pulling on my heartstrings and causing me grief and guilt for the last 10 1/2 months. I thought it was just me. It's not. The comments left after this post were even more reassuring to me that ALL MOMS FEEL LIKE THIS. Huh. Who would have known?

Maybe I can let go of some of the guilt, then...


(Seriously... if you are a mom of more than one child, you have to read this. Let me know what you think about it!)


Aydin had a big day today. We went to the mall and him and Carsten played at the play area. It was his first time to actually play. He had a blast and so did I. It was one of those rare moments when I could focus completely on Aydin since Carsten is old enough to not need supervision while playing (for the most part). So, I kicked my shoes off and crawled through the tunnels, slid down the slides, and crawled up the stairs right along with Aydin. Playing like a child is a great rush. It really gets the endorphins flowing. It was great to spend some one on one time with Aydin exploring.

After all the play, it was time for a bottle. Aydin, like his brother was (my boys are more similar than most people think), is LAZY when it comes to doing things for himself... like feeding himself his bottle. He has never done it. Well, today, he did... at least most of the bottle. He actually started to fuss anytime I tried to hold it for him.

This may sound like small stuff to some, but this is big news in the everyday life of a mom like me.

Congrats on your two firsts Aydin!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

5 Fave (from the weekend)

Friday, April 11, 2008


Where do I start??

Let's start with Aydin... my little chunky monkey. He's almost a year old! I can't believe it. I am really sad about this. Being that Aydin is my last baby, I wish he would stay a baby a little longer. I'm not ready to have another "boy" running loose in this house! He hasn't started walking yet, but I give it a few more weeks before he gets brave enough to take his first steps. He can stand alone for a pretty good amount of time. He crawls and cruises around like a mad man exploring everything. He is just like his brother, in that sense, very active and inquisitive. He's been a pretty easy baby. He never fusses much and is always smiling. We drag him around with us everywhere and he adjusts to whatever setting we're in. He's a whopping 27 lbs. and seems to be getting a little chunkier again now that he is eating a full three meals a day. He's still on mostly baby food & formula because, like his brother again, he has an awful gag reflex. He can do cheerios and crumbled cheese, but most things come back up, so I don't even bother. We'll give it a couple of more months before I try to start pushing table food on him again. Let's see... what else. He has eight teeth. He sleeps like a champ. He has a deep voice and laugh. I think he says "Mama" (but only when he is whining). His hair is to die for and I am never going to cut it (at least not until Danyel makes me). He is just the cutest thing ever! I could slop him up with a spoon. YUM! Everywhere we go, people tell us how sweet and adorable he is. We didn't have the same experience with Carsten. He came out looking like a little boy. People just melt at Aydin's feet. I love it. Maybe it's those blue eyes...

Carsten. Carsten has had quite a year. He went through a little rough patch after Aydin was born... lots of defying and tantrums. The worst part of it all was that he was mad at me. For awhile he just didn't want anything to do with me. It about killed me. Talk about guilt. But, he adjusted to having a brother and is really enjoying him now that he can move around and play. He's a little rough with him at times, though. The other morning, Danyel found Aydin with a cord wrapped twice around his neck and Carsten had him pinned up against the wall. When Danyel asked him why he did that, he said, "I didn't mean to" (that's what he ALWAYS says) and then said, "I didn't want to play with him anymore, Daddy". Ha. Reason enough, huh? I feel like I repeat the word "gentle!" like a mantra every day. He knows better, but he just does it out of spite. I think he gets tired of being the one who is always getting told what to do and corrected, while Aydin lives on easy street and he takes his frustrations out on him. Carsten potty trained about 8 months ago (??? again, bad memory). It was fairly easy once I figured out what worked best for him. He is starting preschool in September, which I am super excited about. The school is awesome! Not to mention, I am really going to enjoy having some one on one time with Aydin. Carsten gave up his nap about 6 months ago, which has been an adjustment for me. I just started a "quiet time" this week where he has to go in his room and play quietly with the door closed for an hour. It's been great... I have really noticed a difference in his behavior. Plus, I get an hour to myself to do stuff (like update my blog!) Carsten is very active and all boy. It's a challenge to find him playmates that can keep up with him. He's a fairly good kid. Three has been way worse than two, though. Rebellion, defiance, back talking, not listening... all his weak points. But, we are working it out. I think we have it under control as best as possible. We don't need Supernanny... yet. I am really looking forward to 4!

As for Danyel, he is doing great.... work is great... He just got a new scooter, which he is loving. You can check out the video a few posts ago. He is awesome. What more could I say? Love you Pookie!

Then, there's Me! I am good. Adjusting to having two kids was way more of a challenge than I had imagined, but I made it out the other end all in one piece (for the most part). I could tell you some stories, Internet, but we'll save that for later. I enjoy being home with the kids, but have to stay busy. We do story time at the library and and a mom's group at the park every week. I have met a lot of other moms in the area this year, which has been great. I do get tired of looking at the walls in the house, so I really look forward to weekends out adventuring with the family and to vacations. I have all of our vacations planned through 2009! Yes, I am obsessed like that. We are going to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic in the Caribbean in July, Destin in October, Cabo San Lucas next Spring, on an Alaskan cruise next summer, and probably back to Destin next October... all with the kiddos. I haven't been ready to leave Aydin yet. I don't know why. It's been much harder than with Carsten. Aydin has never spent a night away from us. Maybe just about the time I get ready, my mom will be retired and able to keep the kids for us while we go globe trotting! We've been vacationing a lot with my parents, which is great. They are fun travel companions and great with the kids. We had a great time in Cancun together last month. That's about it... other than that, my life revolves around the kids schedules, dishes, laundry, and cooking. It can get pretty routine, but that's the way I like it... predictable.

THE END. Let's move on from here, shall we? No time to be living in the past!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

And, I'm Back!

O.K. So, I am going to give this blog thing a go again.

It's been a while internet. I owe you an update, I know. Forgive me, for I have been busy.... raising rugrats and stuff like that.

I miss blogging.

I miss archiving my life with my 3 boys.

The last 10 1/2 months have been a blur. Aydin's whole existance has been a blur. The last year has flown by, but at the same time, a year ago seems like a lifetime ago. I am so sad that I haven't blogged about Aydin with the same intensity that I did during Carsten's first year. I am regretful that I haven't posted an update on Carsten in almost a year. All those moments... gone. My memory is bad these days... really bad. So, I probably won't be going back and recapping much... maybe just a quick update on what we have all been up to.

Anyway, I am hoping to get back on the ball... more stories and more pictures. But, it's not for you, Internet...

It's all for these guys.

They deserve it.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Danyel's New Plaything

Lord, help me...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Children's Festival Rides

Video 2

Video 3