Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Aydin had a big day today. We went to the mall and him and Carsten played at the play area. It was his first time to actually play. He had a blast and so did I. It was one of those rare moments when I could focus completely on Aydin since Carsten is old enough to not need supervision while playing (for the most part). So, I kicked my shoes off and crawled through the tunnels, slid down the slides, and crawled up the stairs right along with Aydin. Playing like a child is a great rush. It really gets the endorphins flowing. It was great to spend some one on one time with Aydin exploring.

After all the play, it was time for a bottle. Aydin, like his brother was (my boys are more similar than most people think), is LAZY when it comes to doing things for himself... like feeding himself his bottle. He has never done it. Well, today, he did... at least most of the bottle. He actually started to fuss anytime I tried to hold it for him.

This may sound like small stuff to some, but this is big news in the everyday life of a mom like me.

Congrats on your two firsts Aydin!