Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Miller Outdoor Theater

This morning I took Carsten and Aydin to Miller Outdoor Theater for a children's performance. It was called "Danceology 101" put on by the Houston Metropolitan Dance Company. I didn't have high hopes for the outing since both of my boys are VERY active and don't like structured activities where they can't roam and play! We had a really nice time, though. First we fed the pigeons at the reflection pool and then we all headed over to the theater. Carsten shocked me and actually stayed in his seat for the majority of the performance. I think he really liked it. Aydin had a bottle, snacked on Cheerios, and played well with another baby his age. After the performance, we headed over to the park and had a picnic lunch. The kids all played for a while before we packed up to head home.... not before Carsten could roll down the hill, though! Aydin was so pooped. He completely missed his morning nap and didn't go down until we got home at 2!

Carsten rolling down the hill

at the reflection pond

Hanging with his buds (I am shocked one of them didn't fall in...)

Carsten and Liam

How cute is that?!

Carsten and Liam actually watching the performance!

P.S. I promise Aydin was there... I didn't think posting the pictures of him sitting in his stroller were all that fascinating. BUT, he sure was cute (as always)!