Monday, February 13, 2006

Best Valentine Weekend Ever!!

This past weekend Danyel and I went to Fredericksburg to celebrate Valentines Day. Last Valentines Day was nothing but a blur of dirty diapers and sleepless nights, so we decided to go all out this year. It was one of my most favorite vacations ever... no lie! Leaving Carsten behind was really hard on me at first... more than a few tears were shed (by me, not by him). But, my sadness was cured as soon as we arrived Friday night to our beautiful B&B and jumped into the hot tub with a good bottle of wine. Saturday we had a wonderful breakfast at the B&B, where we met several other couples, one of which was on their first vacation away from their 10 month old daughter. Then, we started touring the local wineries at 10 a.m. We had lunch at this wonderful little restaurant called the Herb Garden and then continued with our wine touring. The last winery we went to had a great little band playing in their tasting room that we sat and listened to for awhile. That evening, we ate dinner at this great restaurant called The Cottage Cafe, where we finished off yet another bottle of wine. The day was just perfect and we capped it off in the hot tub at the B&B (minus the wine - our insides were already starting to pickle). On Sunday, after another excellent breakfast at the B&B, we headed out to Enchanted Rock. We climbed to the top of the 465 foot summit (well, I pussed out about 50 feet from the top, while Danyel finished the climb). It was quite a work out and much higher than it looked. It was very windy at the top and the climb got pretty steep. My fear of heights kicked in and thoughts of tumbling to my death and my son becoming momless haunted me. However, the view was amazing. After the climb, we drove back into town (the winding drive was enough to make me lose my breakfast) and we did a little shopping before heading home around 12:30 p.m. I was done. We had such a wonderful time, but were ready to be reunited with Carsten. The anticipation just about killed me on the way home!

Vacations before Carsten were always great, but this one was very special. I didn't realize how much we needed this time alone together. It is so easy to lose sight of each other in day to day life tending to Carsten. We were able to focus completely on each other. I know that Danyel really relished all the attention!! I loved getting out of mommy mode and just really enjoyed loving all over Pookie! We made every second count and cherished every moment. We just appreciated the whole experience so much more than any other vacation we have taken in the past pre-Carsten.