Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Mysterious Nervous Stomach

For a couple of weeks now I have had this nervous stomach thing going on. I just have this uneasy feeling... not like my usual self. It's like the feeling you get when you are stressed, worried about something, or unhappy. As far as I know, I am not stressed out or worried about anything or unhappy. Maybe something bad is about to happen... maybe my body is just a little ahead of the game. It is very strange...

The last time I had this problem was right after Carsten was born... when I wasn't getting enough sleep and was a little bit of a nervous wreck trying to adjust to life with a newborn. After an extensive (not to mention expensive and unpleasant) colonoscopy, it ended up that I was just having a bout of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). TMI... I know. Anyways, after Carsten started sleeping through the night and became less colicky it just went away. Now, it seems as if it is coming back. But, I can't figure out why??? It is a stress induced problem and like I said, I don't feel as if I am under any stress right now. I got to figure this one out and nip it in the bud.


Anonymous said...

Have you consulted with Oprah as to what your problems may be. You see nirvana only comes five days a week at four o'clock so if you tune in you may find the path of healing right around the corner!!!

Anonymous said...

Could it be that you are nervous about your trip? Or maybe you are just anxious about your trip? Sometimes things that we are stressed about, or worried about, or anxious about might not be so obvious....

Carsten said...

Don't diss Sparky! This Oprah thing he has going on is cracking me up!!

Melissa said...

I think according to another blog I read that nirvana is actually a world of oppressed, neurotic women with passive-aggressive, domineering husbands (i.e. Click On Tha' Pic Fellas'.....). I guess in that utopia, a self-actualized, strong woman would be seen as a threat.