Friday, February 24, 2006

Thanks Pookie!

Yesterday evening Danyel and I decided to meet up at one of our old favorite restaurants on the north side of town. I was running errands in the area and he had just left work. When I got there, he was already there inside waiting for us. He could see me walking up to the restaurant through the window. After I met him inside and situated Carsten in the highchair he looked at me and said:

"I was watching you get out of the car and walk up to the restaurant. I was thinking to myself how hot you looked. I am really lucky to have such a beautiful wife."

I kind of chuckled and said, "Oh, yea, really?"

He said, "Yea, of course."

I said, "Are you serious???"

He said, "Yeah, of course I am!"

Don't get me wrong - he says nice things all the time, but in a different context. Like, we will be hugging and he will say how lucky he is to have me as his wife or whatever. Or he'll say it in hopes of scoring brownie points with me or doing some other type of scoring, if you get my drift. :-) Not that that doesn't count because it does, but I guess when you are being affectionate to each other, you expect things like that to be said. But when the compliment just comes out of nowhere, it seems to be more meaningful and sincere. I am sure you ladies out there know exactly what I mean. Anyways, I especially like it when he compliments my "hotness" because God knows that I rarely feel "hot" anymore. I just feel like a frumpy mommy most of the time! It's nice that he is there to remind me that I am a woman, not just a mother. Thanks for making my day, Pookie.


Anonymous said...

You're welcome dear. Just glad to make your day!