Thursday, November 17, 2005

A Bad Case of Cabin Fever

Today was the first day this week since Sunday that I have left the house - by no choice of my own - just cruel fate.

Monday I stayed in to do laundry and clean up around the house from the weekend.

Tuesday, I needed to run to the grocery store to grab a few things... well, needed to go for the sake of my sanity. Cabin fever had started to set in. I packed all Carten's things, got him dressed, and dragged him out to the car only to see the car seat sitting in the garage floor taken apart. Carsten had thrown up in it on Sunday, so Danyel took it apart and cleaned it. I don't know how to put it back together or reinstall it, so relunctently we went back inside.

Wednesday, I was DYING to get out. I had decided to take Carsten to the park after lunch. So, I packed everything up again and headed out to the car... strapped Carsten in his seat that Danyel had reinstalled... put the key in the ignition and the car was DEAD. Again, we went back inside.

Today, after breakfast, I dressed Carsten and packed everything up to go to the mall. Again, I loaded Carsten in the car, tried to start my car that Danyel had supposedly jumped last night, and it was STILL dead. I called Danyel and he agreed to come home and jump me... again. I didn't even have to plead... he could hear the desperation in my voice.