Thursday, November 10, 2005

They grow up soooooooo fast!!

He Walks!... Well, sort of. Last Saturday Carsten started to walk - by himself. I was watching T.V. and looked over to see him vertically moving towards me. I had to blink and make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. I was ecstatic! Danyel and I pushed him to "preform" throughout the day. He could walk half way accross a room before he lost his balance and fell. We got it all on video and everything. Then, Sunday he wouldn't do it anymore. He had lost his confidence because of all the falling that comes along with learning to walk. He wouldn't let go of our fingers when walking and resorted to crawling when we were trying to get him to walk to us. Since then, he has started to give it another try, but only a few steps at a time... when he is pretty sure he can make it to his target without falling. We just try to ignore the walking - when he does it - to not put too much pressure on him. I just can't believe it! Almost 10 months ago this kid was just entering the world with no life skills at all. I realized that I have been in such a hurry for him to grow up and attain all his developmental milestones, that now I feel like I have lost out on really enjoying him being a baby. I promise, with the next baby, I will not make this same mistake. Of course, this does not apply to the first month, when, let's be honest here, it really is hard to enjoy sleepless nights, hours of crying, and sore nipples from CONSTANT nursing!


Anonymous said...

GO BABY! I am so proud of him! I cannot believe he is walking! He is growing up so fast :(

Melissa said...

I know exactly what you mean! I think James said uh-oh this morning. I don't think it was on purpose, but it still kinda shocked me. Plus, I think with all the poo problems we've had, I haven't had much time to just stop and enjoy him.

Carsten will be running before you know it, and he'll stop being afraid. My nephew would just throw himself across the room. After he fell a few times, he didn't even notice anymore. Then they start scare you; you think that he is going to bash his head in for sure.