Tuesday, November 08, 2005

To Be Young Again...

Last night Danyel and I went to see Depeche Mode in concert. You all know that my husband is a fanatical life long devoted fan of Depeche Mode. He was so giddy all day yesterday in anticipation of the big event. I, on the other hand, was just looking forward to having a nice dinner out alone beforehand. Upon arrival to the show, I instantly felt old. We sat down to watch the opening act, which of course I had never heard of, and the music was so loud that I could feel the bass beating the hell out of my insides. My head started to throb. I thought that my right temple was going to implode. I kept asking Danyel if the music seemed really loud to him and he told me to quit acting like an old lady and just try and have a good time. So, I did. We had a great time. When Depeche Mode went on, everyone was pretty excited... bobbing to the music... you know, trying to get their rhythm down. However, Danyel was instantly on fire! It's like somebody just released a thousand ants in his pants. His hips were swaying, his arms were going, his tongue was hanging out of his mouth, and he was screaming out every word to every song as loud as he possibly could. He immediately looked like he had been traded to the other team... if you get my drift. Fortunately, I have been to a few concerts with him before. Otherwise, he would have scared the hell out of me! Men in general seemed to loose their masculinity as soon as the show started. They were jumping up and down hugging each other when the band would play one of their favorites and dancing together with their arms draped over each other. Of course, they would all deny this behavior today, I'm sure. They looked like a bunch of giddy school girls. Anyways, the crowd was great. By the end of the show people were dancing in the aisles together with this kumbaya like love for each other and reliving their youth. Nothing can make you feel fifteen again like screaming at the top of your lungs while belting out the lyrics to "Personal Jesus" and "Just Can't Get Enough". Then, of course, your reminded of your old age as you leave with your ears ringing and you realize it's 2 hours past your bed time and you still have to pick up the baby from your mom's house.


Anonymous said...

Hey, even me and my country-twang-music-loving self, can't help but gyrate to "Personal Jesus!" Glad ya'll had fun!