Monday, November 14, 2005

DH & GA???

At the beginning of every week I make out a daily to-do list. My life is ruled by this list. If I loose this list, I am so very screwed. If it's not on this list, it doesn't get done. Period.

Anyways, last Sunday evening I made my list out for the next week - through yesterday. Friday evening I checked my list to see what was upcoming for the weekend. On Sunday - at the bottom of the bullet points - I had wrote "DH & GA". I hate when I do that - abbreviate things - I can't ever remember what they are. Anyways, I became obsessed with what "DH & GA" stood for. I just knew it was something very important. I had been so good all week and completed just about everything on the list so far. I was not going to let this one to-do keep me from accomplishing my goal. All Friday evening, I kept trying to figure it out. Maybe it had something to do with Danyel - sometimes I abbreviate things, so he won't know what they are. All night as I slept Friday night, I woke up probably 4 times just trying to figure it out. I even dreamed about it. Saturday, I continued to think it about it often knowing that I was only one day away from having to do this particular to-do. Finally, Sunday morning at about 6 am, it came to me. Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy - my two shows that I watch on Sunday. I am so busy most of the time, that I guess I felt I had to remind myself that they were on on Sunday. Really Pathetic... that's probably why I abbreviated... becuase I didn't want Danyel to know just how pathetic I was. You are looking at a real life desperate housewife... or pathetic housewife, I guess I should say.


Melissa said...

Get a DVR! :-) We only have one TV in the house. We don't believe in TVs in the bedroom, but we would still fight over the one in the living room from time to time. DVR has saved our marriage! :-) I'm weeks behind, but I know I have all the DH ready for me to watch when I get the chance :-)