Saturday, May 06, 2006

Bye-bye bottle!

Well, almost...

I decided once and for all to rid my life of baby bottles (at least for now). I am tired of washing them, putting them together, buying disposable liners for them, storing them, and trying to keep up with all their pieces. With Carsten being sick last week he was unable to have any dairy - no formula or milk. So, except for when I was desperate to get water into him, he wasn't drinking from a bottle. I figured this was the perfect opportunity to wean him from the bottle. So, now that he is able to drink milk again, I started putting it in his cup. To my surprise, he drank it without a fight. He is drinking a little less than he was before out of a bottle, but I have read that that is to be expected in the beginning of the transition.

The reason I say "almost" is because I am still giving him his nighttime bottle. This is mostly due to the fact that I am unwilling to give it up. Carsten would probably gladly drink his milk from a cup in the evening, but I would not be glad about it. I love cuddling him and giving him his bottle right before he goes to bed. There is not many things left that he lets me still do for him, but he still lets me feed him his bedtime bottle. I am going to milk that as long as I can.