Monday, May 01, 2006

Living in a sea of...

...poo & puke.

What a weekend.

Friday morning Carsten woke up with the nastiest diarrhea diaper you could ever imagine. When I opened his door to get him out of bed, the horrendous smell almost knocked me off my feet. But, what I found in his diaper - and out of it - was even worse (little did I know, that by this afternoon, he would have 18 more of these diapers).

Things started to take a turn for the worse Friday evening. In a 1 1/2 hour time span Carsten threw up 4 times... 3 of those times all over me (by the 4th time I wised up and directed his spew toward the sink). Finally, after 4 baths and 4 new sets of pajamas for us both, Carsten went to sleep for the night.

Saturday things were looking up. Carsten had only 3 diarrhea diapers and seemed to be in good spirits. My in-laws were in town and we were having a nice visit.

On Sunday, life went to hell in a handbasket. I woke up at 4:30 a.m. puking and pooing my brains out. I was down for the count all day. I could barely stand up. Luckily, later in the afternoon, the excretions pretty much stopped, but a fever set in. I felt like a truck had run me over... twice. Carsten's condition also regressed. He had 12 diarrhea diapers, 12 lower body baths, and probably close to 12 different outfits yesterday. Poor Danyel was completely overwhelmed. He was taking care of me, Carsten, and trying to entertain his parents.

This morning, I woke up feeling about 80%. I still feel kind of weak and don't have much of an appetite. Unfortunately, Carsten's stomach bug is still going strong. He puked all over himself and me after breakfast this morning. I decided to take him to the doctor in fear of him dehydrating. He has become so listless the last couple of days and has lost close to 2 pounds. The good news was that the doctor told me he was plenty hydrated, the bad news was that he would probably continue like this for 3 more days or so. Being that his immune system is still immature, it will take him a lot longer than me to get over this.

So, life in the sea of poo and puke goes on. All we can do is keep swimming and hope that we don't drown in it.


Anonymous said...

Hope you guys start feeling better :)justin

Melissa said...

Been there...done that...back in February. Just hope Danyel doesn't get it. Brad was doing his best for James and me, and then about two days before I was back to 100%, Brad came down with it.

Being sick is a million times worse when you've got a little one! I hope you're both feeling back to normal ASAP!

Carsten said...

Danyel came down with it this morning... looks like he is dealing with a milder version than we did. Carsten's poo & puke has ended, but he is still very weak and eating very little. I am feeling almost normal today - just not much of an appetite yet.

Thanks for the best wishes!