Sunday, May 14, 2006

My day in a poop free zone

A conversation between Danyel and I this morning went something like this:

Me: Because it's Mother's Day, I think that I shouldn't have to change any poopie diapers for the entire day.
Danyel: Alright.
Me: Really?!
Danyel: Sure.
Me: Sweet!

Could there really be any better Mother's day gift?! Can a diamond tennis bracelet rid your life of poopie for an entire day? I think not. I am of the firm belief that any mother of a toddler would completely agree with me on this one. Especially one of a toddler with a very efficient and active digestive system... one with a toddler that has as many bowel movements in a day as meals. Here is Carsten's typical "schedule", if you will: Eat breakfast, poop out last night's dinner, eat lunch, poops out today's breakfast, eat dinner, and poop out today's lunch. You are wondering how I know what meal is being expelled... Well, maybe you aren't, but I will tell you anyway. With Carsten's lack of molars and ability to chew thoroughly, it usually doesn't look that much different coming out as it does going in. There are some things that are always DEAD giveaways. Even a novice could identify the infamous corn kernel poop, or the familiar orange color of a sweet potato poop, or the always easy to spot bean skins of a pinto bean poop.

Aside from the usual 3 poops, there is sometimes even a bonus poop or two in between. Then, of course, when you are really lucky, you score the jackpot poopie... the one that occurs about 2 1/2 seconds before putting the little stinker to bed for the night. That's the one that really puts me in the mood for a little cuddle time with Danyel afterwards.

Yes, today was a good day. I didn't have to look at poopie all day. Even better, for an entire day, I didn't have to look at, wipe, or even go near my son's... well, you see where I am going with this.

Unfortunately, no amount of bargaining can get you out of harms way of the God awful smell of Carsten's toxic waste. But, even so, I came out smelling like roses on this deal... and not like poop... for once.


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