Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ding-dong, the witch is gone!

Gypsy has left the building! Yesterday, she was driving me NUTS begging to go out. We don't let her out without supervision because she always tries to run away by jumping the fence into the woods. Then, we usually spend hours or days searching for her. Anyways, I took Carsten out to play in the backyard and decided to let her out, too. I tried to keep a close eye on her, but with Carsten it is impossible to watch her constantly. So, she jumped the fence. I called her and could see her through the fence just ignoring me. So, I went back inside and left her. Screw her. If she wants to run away, we should just let her. She is such a worthless cat. She won't even let me or Carsten get near her most of the time. She is so annoying. All she does is walk around the house crying to go out or for attention from Danyel. Last night, Danyel saw her sitting in the front yard and he called her and went to pick her up. She just looked at him and jumped back over the fence into the woods. You know the saying - If you love something, let it go. I do not love this cat. I never have. I know it sounds awful, but it's true. Don't get me wrong - if I saw her dead in the street, it would disturb me, but not because I had any type of attachment to her. Anyways, with any luck, she will not come back. I have even tried to call her a few times just so I can say that I tried. If she doesn't return, none of us will lose any sleep - not even her brother, Kiki. He doesn't even seem to care. That could be because she rapes him constantly and is always following him around, bathing him, and driving him nuts! Anyways, she will probably come back. But, a girl can dream...


Anonymous said...

BIRD! You have to find her! If you don't want her take her to CAPS or the SPCA. I will take her for you. You can't let her go to Acres Homes. They will shoot her and eat her there! Or worse she could get addicted to crack and become a crack cat!

Carsten said...

Trust me - I am trying to find her. Otherwise, I would feel guilty (plus, I don't want Danyel to be mad at me for being so heartless - he was already upset about my blog entry). But, I think that she may be gone for good this time. Usually if I just hold Kiki in my arms outside and make him cry, she will jump back over the fence. But, I have tried that 3 times already and I don't see her anywhere in the woods. Last night it was raining and cold, so no telling how far she went to try and find cover. She had that look in her eye when she left - like she was saying "So long suckers!" You can take the cat out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the cat. If she doesnt come back, we are going to get Kiki a brother! :-)