Friday, January 06, 2006

UPDATE: 25 Things About Me... By Carsten Ramelow

I have grown and changed so much over the past few months, so I thought I would update all my fans on all my big accomplishments and quirky personality traits!

  1. This week I started drinking my bottle on my own... right as Mommy is starting to wean me off of it and to my cup... go figure.
  2. My favorite word is "no". I say it all the time... I very rarely say "Mama" or "Dada". I think this hurts Mommy's feelings, but why would I call them?... They are always around. Don't they have anything else to do?
  3. Walking around in a circle over and over is so much fun! It makes my head feel a little funny.
  4. Doors are still all the rave! My love for them has deepened over the last few months. I love to hide behind them and then mommy says "Where is Carsten?". Then, I pop open up the door and she says "There he is!". We do it over and over! I am really good at hiding. I fool her every time!
  5. Daddy and Mommy play the stomping game with me. It is a lot of fun. They stomp and then I stomp around the room. We all have a good laugh.
  6. One of my most favorite games is playing the laughing game with Daddy. When he is on the computer, I run into his office and we both just start laughing. Then, I run out of the room and back down the hallway and back into the office to laugh with Daddy again. I could do this for hours, but I get tired from all the running!
  7. I still am not a fan of eating - I am way too busy to eat! Mommy has to distract me with lots of toys to shove that spoon in my mouth. And finger feeding myself??... forget it!
  8. I think it is funny when I toot - especially when I do it in the bath tub and I make bubbles!
  9. I love to be the center of attention. I love to sit in the middle of the room and show off while everybody watches me. A little vanity never hurt anyone...
  10. I HATE to sit still - sitting in the highchair for too long or sitting still for a diaper change is like a death sentence! If I am not walking and exploring, I am not living!
  11. This week I learned how to say "Wow". It doesn't sound exactly how mommy says it, but close enough.
  12. I love playing chase race around the kitchen and living room. It's such a high when I finally catch Mommy or Daddy. They are pretty slow. I think it is true what they say. You really do get slow when you get old.
  13. I love to read! When I hear the word "book", I get all excited... except when Mommy pulls out that Barney book with all the farm animals. It has these buttons that you push and they make horrible sounds. It scares the heck out of me every time and makes me cry.
  14. I like to live on the edge... Mommy is always following me around and taking all the fun stuff away from me. She is such a buzz kill.
  15. I am very independent. When will Mommy get that? She is so clingy... always wanting to play with me and kiss and hug me... Yuck!
  16. I have perfected the art of the tempertantrum. I got the high pitched squeal going on and everything. Sometimes I even throw myself on the ground and cry so hard that I stop breathing... this hasn't proven to very effective, though. Mommy and Daddy just walk away. I got to come up with a new strategy...
  17. I don't listen very often when Mommy tells me "No"... I just keep doing whatever I am doing. Sometimes I even laugh... it's a fun game I like to play. Besides, I tell mommy "No" all the time and she doesn't ever listen to me, so why should I listen to her? Duh!
  18. I really like playing outside and having free reign. If you try grabbing me by the hand and directing me in any other direction other than the one that I want to go, I melt to the ground and just go limp. It works every time...
  19. My hair is awful. When will these people start grooming me?? I am naturally handsome, but this mop on my head is taking away from my beauty!
  20. I love when Mommy gives me a pedicure and manicure. Even us boys have to be pampered sometimes!
  21. I put everything in my mouth to taste... except edible things. I especially like toilet paper and cardboard - yummy!
  22. I am in love with Dora the Explorer... she is so hot!
  23. Daddy taught me how to flush the toilet. They are already turning me into a little slave... making me do all their dirty work! I also really like the little knobs on the base of the toilet - they are all gooey and yummy! Mommy is always taking them from me and really making me angry! (see #16)
  24. It is a lot of fun when Mommy chases me with the vacuum cleaner. It really likes to eat my toes!
  25. I am not really that in to toys. They are mildly entertaining, but I prefer to spend my free time with my doors or exploring the world. Toys are for babies... I am too sophisticated for that nonsense.