Tuesday, January 10, 2006

This time last year...

On this date last year, today was Carsten's original due date. I was so anxious just waiting for him to come. I was determined not to have to be induced. I wanted to go into labor "naturally". As I soon would learn, nothing about Carsten's labor and delivery was going to happen how I fantisized it! Last year today, I was swollen like a watermelon, I had to pee every few minutes, and I couldn't sleep very well anymore. I was so ready to not be pregnant anymore. I was so ready to quit working. I was so ready to meet Carsten. I was so ready to be a mom (little did I know what was ahead...). I wouldn't give anything to go back to this day last year.


Melissa said...

A year ago next week we found out James was a boy! It's unreal to think that we were pregnant a year ago. Part of me can't believe that Carsten is already a year old and that James is already 7 months. But then, it's almost hard to remember what life was like before James...I know...cliche..but true!