Saturday, January 21, 2006

Our Saturday Excursion

Today we took a day trip. We drove a little over an hour away to Washington on the Brazos State Park - "The Birthplace of Texas". The park wasn't much to see, but still would have been a nice relaxing day out if Carsten wasn't being Mr. Poopy Pants. Whew... what a day! Tantrum after tantrum. Fit after fit. By the time we left the park, Danyel was drinking Children's Advil because of his splitting headache and we were both (well, all three of us) in desperate need of a nap! Carsten is in the midst of another teething bit (molars - the worst ones!), plus he had missed his nap. BUT, usually just getting him out of the house and in a new environment that he can explore can counteract both of these culprits. Not today. We did manage to have a few fleeting moments of fun, but many more of frustration. After the park, we drove down to Brenham to visit Pleasant Hill Winery. His mood had improved a bit once we arrived, but I realized the days of visiting wineries with Bubby are over. When he was just 3 1/2 months old, we went to Fredericksburg and visited wineries for the weekend - doing tastings and tours. He was a good sport and great company. Of course, this was before he was mobile. Now as a very active and curious toddler, it is impossible to keep him still. You can forget holding him - he instantly starts to squirm, wiggle, and whine. During the tour, he wanted to walk around and touch everything - I had to finally leave the group and let him frolic outside. Then, during the tasting, we were slamming our shots of wine because we were constantly chasing behind him. By the Grace of God, he fell asleep on the way home and slept for another hour after we got home. However, once awake, he cried through his diaper change and through dinner... there was no doubt that he was in severe pain from teething. After about 45 minutes, and a bottle with a shot of ibuprofen in it, he finally calmed down. Our sweet baby was back... happily playing with his toys and us. Thank God for Ibuprofen.