Friday, March 24, 2006

Back fat or tumor?

Today as I was undressing to shower, Danyel pointed out this round swollen area above my tailbone on my lower back. He asked if I had bruised myself or something. I looked in the mirror and noticed that it did look a little odd. I felt around it for swelling or a lump or something, but it just felt... fatty... like a hunk of back fat. I had never noticed this before! I have back fat! When did this happen??! While checking out my posterior I also noticed a new crop of stretch marks on my thighs. But, that is besides the point. So, anyways, Danyel insists that I must have bumped myself or something. I have been having a lot of lower back pain lately. There is no bruise or anything... just a perfectly round plump area. Maybe I should see a doctor, or maybe I should just accept the fact that I have back fat. How embarrassing would that be to have a doctor tell me, "No, that is no tumor, that is just back fat"???!!

Tonight after dinner I was telling Pookie how a brownie with some ice cream would be really good for dessert... he said, "Don't you think you should lay off the sweets - being that you got that fat sack on your back and all?" Maybe he has a point...