Monday, March 13, 2006

Super Dad

Danyel was Super Dad this weekend! Not that he isn't always a loving and involved father, but he was in rare form this weekend! Saturday night when we babysat, he pretty much took on most of the responsibility for James... giving him his bottle, feeding him, diapering him, etc. Then, that night, he bathed Carsten, and then gave him his bottle and put him to bed. Then, Carsten woke up at 5:15 Sunday morning and Danyel got up with him and let me sleep to 8am. When I got up he had already given him his breakfast and had unloaded and loaded the dishwasher. Now, granted, Carsten was wearing his winter fleece boots (Danyel was worried his feet were cold) and he had given him corn with his breakfast, but whatever. So, he does things a little different than I would. :-)

Most importantly, he did all this on his own accord.

Thanks Pookie! Carsten and I are the luckiest peeps in the whole wide world!


Melissa said...

I think the husbands were in one accord this weekend. James woke up at 6:30 Sunday morning, and Brad let me sleep until 10!

And, thank you, too, Danyel, for taking such good care of James Saturday night. Even though we didn't end up having a full date, it was nice to be alone together for a little while, and hopefully, Brad can ease into this date thing eventually! :-)