Friday, October 28, 2005

101 Things About Me...

Alright Bird - This one's for you.

  1. I am 28 years old... I think... yea, that's right.
  2. I love my husband with my heart, body, & soul.
  3. My love for my son comes from a place deep down in my heart that only he could surface.
  4. I think my Mom is one of the most pleasant and beautiful people that I know.
  5. My Dad is the most sentimental person that I know.
  6. I love and appreciate my parents more than I think they will ever know.
  7. I have one brother who I love dearly.
  8. I am a cat person.
  9. I used to be a dog person, but now I find them obnoxious and clingy.
  10. I over analyze EVERYTHING.
  11. I feel like I have been blessed with so many things, I am just waiting for the "bad" to start rolling in.
  12. I feel guilty about EVERYTHING. This is the Catholic in me.
  13. I feel guilty that I do not go to mass often enough.
  14. When Danyel and I fight in front of Carsten, I feel like the WORST mother in the world.
  15. I am deathly afraid of snakes.
  16. When my mom was pregnant with me, she had a recurring dream that snakes were swarming me. At stressful times in my life, I have this same recurring dream.
  17. I hate roaches. They are so very nasty.
  18. Giving birth to my son was more painful than I could have ever imagined. I SWORE after delivering him that I would NEVER have another baby.
  19. We plan to start trying to have another baby late next summer.
  20. I love to travel, especially out of the country.
  21. I think it is fascinating to see how different people in the world are.
  22. My favorite vacation was to Lake Como, Italy with my husband. It was the most romantic place in the world.
  23. I have a very large extended family that I wish I was closer to.
  24. I LOVE being a home maker.
  25. I hated my job at Foleys. I felt like I had no purpose.
  26. I feel like being a mom has given me purpose.
  27. I wish I was a more calm and natural mother. I tend to feel overwhelmed and stressed out in situations that I think other moms are more relaxed about.
  28. I am always afraid that Carsten is not developing at the same rate as his peers.
  29. My doctor has told me that Carsten is advanced for his age.
  30. When I was single, I was afraid that I would never get married.
  31. When I saw Danyel on the elevator for the first time at work, I told a friend that I had seen the man I was going to marry.
  32. Three years later, we were married.
  33. I cried through my entire wedding.
  34. I am a perfectionist.
  35. I wish I was more efficient.
  36. I have always been very self conscious about my acne problem.
  37. Before I got pregnant, I always wanted to be thinner.
  38. After having Carsten, I am just glad to be thin enough.
  39. I feel guilty for not breastfeeding longer than I did.
  40. I love to cook.
  41. My husband says I rarely cook anything less than a "7" on a scale of 1 - 10.
  42. When I cook something, I get upset if my husband does not tell me at least twice how good it is.
  43. I wish that my house was cleaner.
  44. I do not iron my husband's clothes for him.
  45. If Danyel goes out of town, I will not stay at home by myself... ever.
  46. I believe that most stereotypes are true.
  47. I am always thirsty.
  48. My cat sleeps on my pillow.
  49. I sleep with a towel on my pillow for no reason at all.
  50. I sleep on my stomach.
  51. Since having Carsten, my boobs are droopy and smaller, my hips are wider, and my face is constantly broken out.
  52. One of my biggest fears is people not liking me.
  53. I wish that I had more friends.
  54. I have the best friends in the entire world.
  55. I am NOT a morning person.
  56. I am always tired.
  57. I hate unloading the dishwasher.
  58. I never exercise for the sake of exercising.
  59. I am always the whitest person on the beach.
  60. I am a control freak.
  61. I tend to nag my husband too much.
  62. I can act like a spoiled brat.
  63. Sometimes I talk too much and don't listen enough.
  64. I genuinely feel like I hit the jackpot when I met my husband. He is a "10" on a scale of 1-10.
  65. I am obsessed with my "budget" spreadsheet. I don't actually follow it.
  66. I love bathing with my son.
  67. I can't stand when you buy someone a gift and they don't send a thank you note.
  68. I don't like ice in my water.
  69. I HATE George Bush. It is fascinating to me that some people like him.
  70. For the most part, I am a democrat.
  71. I think Bill Clinton was one of the greatest presidents of all time.
  72. I do not believe in affirmative action. I think that all people, regardless of race, sex, or class should have to earn their way. Yes, I know that this is a republican view.
  73. I am always cold.
  74. I only wash my hair three times a week.
  75. I get painful ingrown toenails on my big toes.
  76. I think my husband is exceptionally smart.
  77. I am very loyal.
  78. One of my most favorite things is when Carsten rests his head on my shoulder.
  79. I am obsessive about keeping a to do list.
  80. I am a procrastinator.
  81. I am a non attentive driver. I have totaled 2 cars.
  82. Sometimes I have a problem saying what I want to say how I want to say it.
  83. I am very opinionated.
  84. I think it is important to have a stance on everything.
  85. I used to smoke when I was younger, but now I think it is the most disgusting habit in the world. I got furious when people would smoke around me when I was pregnant.
  86. I was an overachiever in school.
  87. I love the smell of fresh garlic sauteeing in olive oil.
  88. I will eat just about anything, aside from bi-products of any animal.
  89. I am obsessed about giving people the "perfect" gift.
  90. I think I always look bad in pictures.
  91. I hate to read books.
  92. I love to read parenting magazines and Hollywood gossip magazines.
  93. I have subscriptions to 4 different parenting magazines.
  94. Sometimes I worry too much about what needs to be done and forget to enjoy life.
  95. I love Christmas.
  96. I am a home body.
  97. I am deathly afraid that the end of the world is near.
  98. I love sitting on my patio and drinking a good glass of wine with my husband after Carsten goes to bed.
  99. I hate feeling left out of things (which was the underlying motivation to make this list - everybody else was doing it).
  100. I love giving people advice and helping them with their problems, but worry that I sound like a know it all.
  101. This list has drained me, yet it was very therapeutic!


Dollywood Bound said...

I think I knew about everything on the list! You were very honest! Way to go Bird! Make Danyel fill one out and post it! I am going to ask Andrew to do one too! Let's make them do it at work so they will have to think about it!

Carsten said...

I will try, but I don't know if I can convince him. I think that it would be very interesting!

Melissa said...

Great list! I think most guys will probably think this is too touchy-feely for their time :-) Brad would just laugh at me if I asked him.