Friday, October 07, 2005

My Husband... The Enviornmentalist

Anyone who knows Danyel, knows that he has a new interest every week. He's a wine maker, yogurt maker, gardener, beer maker, amateur chef, money maker, money saver, coupon clipper, computer game player, music maker, and most recently - an enviornmentalist. Yes, but do not misunderstand me. He is not an enviornmentalist for the sake of the enviornment, but for the sake of his pocket book. This week he researched putting solar panels on our house for the sake of saving on electricity. He found out that they cost 90 thousand dollars. Scratch that idea. He also is obsessed with Bio Diesel fuel and Vegetable Oil Engines. He has been putting Bio Diesel in his diesel engine car for the last couple of months. He mostly does this because it saves money and he is doing his part to cut down on those damn oil company profits. An added benefit is, of course, it is better for the enviornment. He has also decided to put a vegetable oil engine in his car when his warranty runs out. This will cost 1 thousand dollars, but he can put used vegetable oil in it that he can get for free from local restaurants. Whatever.

Last night, as we walked back to our car from the Greek Festival, he said "I was reading today about this new engine invention..." I said "Please stop. I just can't take all this Bio Diesel/Veggie Engine crap anymore." He begged me to listen. I mean BEGGED. He was so EXCITED to tell me about it. Apparently, "They" have just figured out how to run a car on air. You just fill the tank with compressed air (like you do your tire) for like a buck and it will go for 200 miles. Great. Please make it stop. I can't bear it any longer.