Monday, October 03, 2005

It's the Little Things in Life that Bring the Greatest Joys

Well, here I am... blogging. After all, what else do I have to do - being that I am a housewife and all. :-) And a happy one at that. Besides, everyone else is doing it, so I figured I should jump on the bandwagon.

In all seriousness, I have been trying to find a way over the past few months to remember all the precious fleeting moments in my son's life... in my life... in our life (referring to my husband and I's, of course). For example, I am constantly recording all of these milestones in Carsten's baby book... first bath... first tooth... But, there isn't a page for all of those heartwarming moments that you just don't want to forget. Those treasured bits in time that bring you so much joy that you think your heart will explode from all the happiness. So, this is the page. My blog.

Today. Carsten learned to crawl up the stairs. Just like that. He couldn't do it yesterday, but today he could. And you should of seen that proud grin on his face... that priceless toothey smile. Then, the obsession with doing it over and over again. Everyday is like that for him - full of unending excitement and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He truly is the smartest and most inquisitive baby I have ever seen. This kid doesn't miss a thing.

Then, there was our treasured bath time together... one of my most favorite times of the day. He loves chewing and sucking on his wet washcloth. Tonight as he frantically chewed and sucked away to help relieve some of his teething pain, he paused, looked at me, and put the washcloth up to my mouth as if to say "Here Mom, you got to taste this - it's yummy!" Of course, I obliged, and he smiled and chuckled. Then, because this was so much fun, he did it again... and again. Another one of those little things that I don't want to forget - my son sharing with his Mommy for the first time.

Of course, every day is full of those not so tender moments... like when Carsten woke me up at 5:45 this morning or when he projectile vomited all over me this evening before fighting me for an hour to put him to bed. These "challenges" are not all in vain, though. They are teaching me patience and restraint.

Today. A pretty good day. Carsten took 2 naps, ate pretty well, was not too fussy despite his teething, I got a shower, I did the laundry (o.k. - I washed it - folding will have to wait until tomorrow), and my husband told me I looked beautiful this evening (though I think he had alterior motives with this comment). What more could a housewife ask for? Well, besides a day at the spa... :-)