Monday, October 24, 2005

Our First Post-Carsten Movie

Danyel and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on Saturday. My mom was nice enough to watch Carsten most of the day, so that we could go to lunch and see a movie. We had a really nice time. We went to eat at Los Cucos (Yummy!) and to see North Country (very good!). We also snacked on Beignets before the movie (Double Yummy!). It's amazing just how much a few hours to ourselves can really make a difference for us. We tend to forget about each other when we are always tending to Carsten. So, it is nice to get away from being parents for just a short while and enjoy just each other. We even commented after we finished eating lunch that we hadn't even talked about Carsten. I felt a little guilty for a split second, but then relieved that we still have enough in common and enough other interests to talk about something other than the little buddy. Time alone is so important. We try to get it at least once a month, but sometimes we don't make it enough of a priority. For those few hours, we felt like childless newleyweds again! But, you better believe as soon as the movie was over, we rushed back to my mom's with excitement to pick up our pride and joy!


Dollywood Bound said...

I was wondering how it went! I am so glad you guys had a good time!