Monday, October 31, 2005

25 Things About Me... By Carsten Ramelow

  1. I love to open and close doors and drawers... Constantly... over and over... They fascinate me!
  2. I usually poop 2 or 3 times a day. My bowels are extraordinarily efficient. Sometimes I make patties, but usually they are the consistency of peanut butter. Yummy!
  3. I am constantly learning new things. Just over the last couple of days, I have learned how to point and to wave (however, I only wave when I am looking in the mirror).
  4. I am very particular about everything. Da-da says I get this from Ma-ma. I must be fed in a certain position for maximum effectiveness and my room must be pitch black and my air cleaner must be running on high in order for me to sleep to my full potential.
  5. I am a cat lover. They always make me laugh. I enjoy chasing Kiki and Gypsy, but am not fast enough to catch them. I like to play with their paws and tails.
  6. I like it when Ma-ma pretends that she is going to drop me. It cracks me up!
  7. I like it when Da-da "chews" on the back of my neck. It gets me going every time!
  8. I hate having my diapers changed. I squirm and cry and make it as difficult as possible on my parents and myself. Maybe if I keep it up, they will eventually get tired of it and let me wear the same diaper forever!
  9. I sleep with my blue doggy every night. Sometimes when I get scared in the middle of the night, Ma-ma will come in and put my blue doggy back in my arms and I drift right back off to sleep. He is so cuddly!
  10. I don't like being fed big boy food. I am a big fan of my ba-ba and don't see any need in eating anything else. Don't you people get it - I am still a baby!
  11. I will not hold my own bottle or cup or feed myself, even though I can. This is Ma-ma's job.
  12. When I get a case of the giggles, I almost always get the hiccups.
  13. I hate the hiccups. They make me angry.
  14. When Ma-ma and I take a bath, I love to play with the water rushing out of the spout. I like to wave my hand back and forth through the stream of water and splash it everywhere! It gets in my eyes, which hurts, but I still keep doing it because it is so funny! What a hoot!
  15. I am learning to walk and if I do say so myself, I am getting really good at it. I still have to hold onto Ma-ma's hand, but only for balance. Da-da says I walk like a drunk. I don't know what that means.
  16. I really like watching my Baby Einstein movies. They are so captivating. They can keep me occupied for long periods of time so that Ma-ma can get some peace.
  17. I have a really strong gag reflex, especially when Ma-ma gives me peas or anything green for that matter. Gag me!
  18. I love looking at the ground and nodding my head back and forth. I do it all the time. Maybe I should stop, though. I think Ma-ma and Da-da are getting a little concerned about this recreational activity of mine.
  19. I can crawl really fast. Fred Flinstone has nothing on me!
  20. I am a BIG grouch when I am teething. I don't want to eat, be held, play, or sleep. All I want to do is cry. Ma-ma gets really grouchy when I am teething, too.
  21. This weekend, my Aunt Meme taught me how to say "Dog". I am pretty smart if I do say so myself.
  22. I am very brave when I get shots. I hardly cry... sometimes I don't cry at all. Da-da told me that crying is for girls.
  23. I love older women. I don't have much interest in ladies my own age. Most of them are pretty boring. I like a girl on the move and with lots of life experience. She can show me the ways of the world.
  24. When I do decide to eat my big boy food and finish all of it, my Ma-ma does the "Shakey-Shakey Dance" for me. She sings "Shakey, Shakey, Shakey" over and over and shakes her booty. I am not laughing with her, I am laughing at her. I agree with Da-da... she looks ridiculous.
  25. I love it when my Ma-ma sings and plays with me. The "Itsy Bitsy Spider" is all the rave. I also really like it when she sings "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" over and over and over... It really starts to make me sleepy around the 100th time around. Playing "Patty Cake" and "Little Piggies" are some of my favorite past times... that is when I am not opening and closing doors over and over and over... :-)