Friday, October 07, 2005

Sometimes Fathers Do Know Best

I am always giving my husband a hard time for not "interacting" with our son enough. Sure, he spends time with him all the time, but sometimes (more than I would like) it is spent together while Danyel is on the computer or working in the garden and Carsten is playing nearby being "supervised". Danyel sees no problem with this. In contrast, I always feel guilty doing something else and making Carsten play alone. No matter how much I interact with him, I always feel athat I am not doing enough to stimulate his development.

A couple of nights ago I finally realized that Danyel is right... just this once :-). Yes, I said it - HE is RIGHT. Anyways, I came into the office and Carsten was happily playing on the floor by himself and Danyel was playing a computer game. I started to nag him about not interacting with Carsten and we argued about it for a few minutes and he makes a good point. You see, for the most part, Carsten is very independent. He can entertain himself for long periods of time, can put himself back to sleep when he wakes in the middle of a nap or in the night, and can sit in the carseat & stroller and occupy himself. Danyel believes that it is good to let Carsten play alone sometimes because it teaches him to be independent and helps develops his imagination. Now that I think about it, in spite of me, Carsten has learned these skills. This is something his father has taught him. Good job "Da-da".