Monday, October 31, 2005

My name is Cara and I suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome

I am a sufferer of Restless Leg Syndrome, RLS for short. Yes, this is a real condition. Despite my husband's mockery of this illness, it is a real problem for me. Restless Leg Syndrome rears it's ugly head at night. Particulary, for me, right when I lay down to sleep. All of the sudden my legs, especially my left leg, becomes very restless, hence the name. I have to stretch them over Danyel, kick them repeatedly in the air, and I need lots of room to stretch out. It takes a good 15 - 30 minutes to settle them down. Yes, I know this sounds bazaar. But, I did some research and found out that there is a name for this condition and it is caused by an iron or calcium deficiency. Despite my obvious suffering every evening, my husband laughs & ridicules me. Each night, he cracks jokes at my expense and tells me that I am a freak. He does not understand my pain. He doesn't know what it is like to be so sleepy and for your legs to feel like they want to run a mile. RLS sufferers deserve compassion and respect. We are not freaks. We are people too.


Anonymous said...

Your a freak!

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Amy and my husband suffers from RLS, although he refuses to admit it. It drives me NUTS. I saw a tv commerical for some new drug that helps RLS.

Melissa said...

Hi, my name is Melissa, and my husband suffers from RLS. It's not just at bedtime, however, he is CONSTANTLY tapping his feet or shaking his leg. I always thought it was his high-strung personality until I saw the RLS commercial for the new drug.