Monday, October 24, 2005

Carsten's Recent Accomplishments

Carsten has made big strides over the last few days in becoming a big boy! He is starting to be able to stand on his own for 5 or 6 seconds at times. Also, he has become very eager in learning to walk. He'll be standing up holding on to something and just let go and take off like he's just going to walk. He falls after the first step, but he's pretty determined. It won't be long! He's also started crawling "into" and "onto" things. He's pretty confident with the whole crawling thing. Another pretty big accomplishment is that he is SLOWLY moving out of his eating strike phase. For the last month or so, it's been almost impossible for me to get him to eat any of his three meals during the day. He's been going through formula like crazy and wasting lots of baby food. Not to mention, driving me batty! He's eating a lot of his old foods again and starting to transition to finger foods. He's not quite sure how to get things to his mouth, but if I feed him, he can successfully chew small chunks of food, like banana, cheerios, and shredded cheese or chicken (that's all we've tried so far). And most importantly, now that he has moved out of his teething phase, he's sleeping his usual 11 - 12 hours at night uninterrupted. We went through about a two month period of him waking up at 6 am everyday. Now, we're back to our 7:45 wake up call, which is much more bearable!

So, we've entered a "good" phase - or what I call a "Non-teething" phase. They don't last long though. We'll be lucky to get a couple of months off before the next little boogers start tormenting the ever so sensitive little buddy. :-)


Dollywood Bound said...

He will walk and we will all be skinnier from trying to catch him! GO CARSTEN!