Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Bubbster is Out of Commission... (temporarily)

Carsten is sick with a cold. It's been a rough couple of days for everyone! Last night it was really bad. He was in and out of sleep all night. Poor baby was so congested and the snot was flowing like a river! He had a hard time breathing, so he kept waking himself up. I finally put a very firm pillow in his crib to elevate his head and that seemed to help a little. He was able to sleep for 2 hours at a time from that point on. We tried to give him some Children's Nyquil, but he kept gagging and spitting it up. Finally, I got him to take a bottle at 4:15 a.m., and I was able to put the medicine in his bottle. After that, he slept a whole 3 hours straight. Thank God. Today, he is moving pretty slowly, but it seems the congestion has broken up a little this afternoon. Hopefully, tonight will be a little easier on all of us. It's hard to know that your little Angel is in pain and that you can't do much for him but comfort him. All the while, he looks at you like "Mommy, please help me." It's heartbreaking!